Star trek conference room
Star trek conference room

star trek conference room

While this site is a hobby, it does cost me out-of-pocket to keep the site going. The cost is very reasonable, and just to sit in the captain’s chair alone is worth the price of admission! It will truly make you feel like you’ve been transported back to the 1960s when the show was filmed. One friend who isn’t a Star Trek fan even remarked how much she enjoyed the visit. If you are in the Ticonderoga area, The Star Trek Original Series Set Tour is well worth a visit.

star trek conference room

In addition to seeing the various stations around the bridge, the clear highlight is sitting in the Captain’s chair. I can only imagine how much work went into creating this replica, but it is incredibly impressive.

star trek conference room

The sounds and lighting help enhance that feeling. You truly feels like you are right there on the Bridge, with Kirk, Spock, Uhuru, and the whole cast. As you walk off the turbolift and step foot onto this bridge, it will take your breath away. The tour culminates in a visit to the Enterprise Bridge. You’ll also notice one of the Jefferies tubes used by engineers to access all areas of the ship. As you enter, you’ll first see Scotty’s office area, before continuing into the main Engineering section. The Engineering section has been completely recreated. A gold box was used on the set and appeared in Kirk’s office, and is now part of the set tour. While most trinkets are similar to items appearing on the show, James showed us one item that is original. There were also some every-day spray bottles, which James told us were used on the show because they had not yet become household items when the show was made.Ĭaptain Kirk’s quarters have been set up just like they appeared on the show, including his sleeping area and his office. There were lots of items here, including a tribble.

Star trek conference room